Meet The Women Giving Beauty Marketing And Education A Much-Needed Makeover

The Lipstick Lesbians are transforming the beauty industry, empowering both consumers and brands through education.
Apryl Johns · 6 days ago · 1 minute read

Beauty Partnerships Redefined: The Lipstick Lesbians

Educating Consumers: The Rise of Beauty Literacy

The Lipstick Lesbians, Alexis Androulakis and Dr. Christina Basias Androulakis, have revolutionized the beauty industry by introducing the concept of beauty literacy. This empowers consumers with knowledge about product design, ingredients, and packaging to make informed choices.

Christina explains their mission: "You can teach people to speak this language of beauty, to understand why products work." Their engaging TikTok videos and accessible language are bridging the gap in consumer education.

Empowering Brands Through Partnerships

Beyond influencing consumers, The Lipstick Lesbians play a vital role in educating brands. Their insights from millions of engaged followers help brands develop innovative products that align with consumer expectations and narratives.

"They elevate our product storytelling by translating our scientific formulations into relatable knowledge," says Gloria Ryu of Haus Labs.

Making Beauty Education Accessible

The Lipstick Lesbians are committed to making beauty literacy more accessible. Their upcoming online course will equip sales associates, makeup artists, brand founders, and consumers with the knowledge to navigate the beauty landscape.

"People will understand how products are made, their ingredients, and how to determine if they're worth the investment," Alexis says.